Attend DEI-related events

Visit the DEI Events page to identify a wide range of events and programs across campus for students, staff and faculty, including speakers, workshops, performances and more.

DEI Events Page

Join a group

A group of people meeting around a conference table in the Duderstadt Center


Search the Maize Pages, to identify DEI-related student groups or consider starting a new group. The University of Michigan offers hundreds of student organizations,  including groups that support social justice, advocacy, identity groups and diversity, equity and inclusion-related issues. Or use the The Campus Involvement Center DEI Toolkit to infuse DEI practices and values into any student group.

Staff and Faculty:

Some of the groups available to support faculty and staff include:

Consult or join a DEI advisory group:

Each year the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion prompts students to apply to join the SAPG and provide input and assistance with the planning for the annual Diversity Summit and to assist with communications and promotions for the event. Contact for additional information.

  • Chief Diversity Officer Student Advisory Board

A group of U-M students who who meet with and provide ideas and feedback to the Chief Diversity Officer. Contact for additional information.

  • Chief Diversity Officer Faculty Advisory Board

A group of U-M faculty members who meet with and provide ideas and feedback to the Chief Diversity Officer. Contact for additional information.


We welcome you to share your feedback, ideas or thoughts.

Provide Feedback

Participate in professional development

There are many programs and offices that provide DEI-related education and training to deepen your understanding and strengthen your capacity to advance DEI, including:

Donate in support of DEI

Support the fund for a diverse, equitable and inclusive U-M

Make a Gift

Connect with DEI Leads

Each school, college or unit with a DEI strategic plan (50 total) has one or more designated DEI Leads. Find your DEI Lead here. DEI Leads guide and support DEI strategic plan implementation and serve as resources for members of their community, while acting as a liaison between their school, college or unit and the university Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office.

Seek funding for DEI-related activities